West again shows its hospitality
Reprinted from the Key West
Citizen, March 2007 (Key West, FL)
My wife and
I recently enjoyed 11 days at the relaxing Island City House, our 15th extended stay in your lovely town. Key West and hospitality go hand in hand, but a painful medical condition
made this visit a bit more challenging. Key West was up to
the challenge.
As a tourist
off the street, I received unbelievable, personal and professional medical care from neurologist Dr. Jeanette Straga, who
spent over two hours with me and devised an eight point plan to relieve my five week old sciatic pain and address related
issues. That plan worked and is working. Her efforts were reinforced by the conscientious CVS pharmacists (at Truman and Simonton)
who spent a half hour writing a complicated medication schedule in accordance with Dr. Straga’s prescriptions to ensure
that I knew what to take over a four week period.
Finally, the
hotel arranged for on site massages by Renee Spencer, who provided skilled and desperately needed pain relief for both my
wife and myself.
Caring people
like Dr. Straga, the CVS pharmacists, Renee Spencer and the Islad Key House Hotel staff are what make Key West a mecca for
those seeking true hospitality.
Edward H.
Bonekemper III
Willow Street, PA